
Our Approach

About Me

Parker Stuart is the owner of a 2014 HP Pavilion laptop, an internet connection through a national ISP, and the exact change required to purchase a URL from, which is exactly what qualifies him to own 'The 54th Man' blog since August of '18.

Our Story

Why Am I Writing This Blog?

Everybody has to start somewhere. In an attempt to create an internet presence and a writing portfolio, I will be sending my lukewarm takes into the ether a la the Voyager program, only to wait for a return message in the form of likes or intense berating. This is my opportunity to share my thoughts on the NFL mostly, but really anything I want to talk about could pop up on the ole' homepage. Music? Television? Current Events? Baseball? Hahaha no not baseball.

Meet the Team

The word "heroes" gets thrown around a lot these days, but these people are some of my my oldest friends and closest confidants


Parker Stuart

Founder & CEO

Once was an hour late for possibly meeting Dave Grohl in an Alexandria record store.


Parker Stuart

Vice President

He is the owner of 0 pictures with Dave Grohl or signatures from Dave Grohl because he got lunch before going into the shop instead of after.


Parker Stuart


"Man I sure wish I got to meet Dave Grohl that one time." - Parker Stuart

Hire Me Now!

Come hire me to work for your fancy sports website! Being called "Fake News" by the President, having a network name consisting of four letters, being owned by a billionaire, or being the media arm of the most popular sports league in North America is welcome but not necessary.